I hope that your thanksgiving was as enjoyable as mine. We are about to step into a package design project, I am going to tie it in with the anti smoking sticker contest.
- you must develop a concept you must include a purpose, name, package development (design including target market) & brand (logo) and a FPA (full page ad)
on your BLOG
PURPOSE STATEMENT- is a written statement of your intended product, who it is marketed to and how it can be used. Be descriptive the purpose statement will be worth
25% of your project.The product you are developing is "THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS WAY TO STOP SMOKING"
ie- The Chuck Stop- when I open this box a Chuck Norris's fist punches me in the face. Your statement must include all of the components below. Use your time wisely
NAME- The name should be clever and connect with your target group. The name will be stated in your purpose and may be used in your overall design and Brand. remember connectivity to the target is paramount. If you cannot connect to your target then how can you sell your product.
PS 8 x 8 @150 with a transparent Background
LOGO/ BRAND- In photoshop you will develop a LOGO and GLYPH that should be included in as many places on the package that can be provided.
PS the template wil be in the Mo's Graphics folder but you may make it any size you need.
DESIGN & PACKAGE DEVELOPMENT- The product will be cunningly disguised as a cigarette pack. You will be provided with a template (mo's graphics folder) and you must design for 360 degrees. You may print any size or variation of the package you need. On the package you will include a blurb (small description) about your product, logo's & glyphs and a
creative Surgeon General Warning.
PS 8.5 x 11 @ 150 res
FULL PAGE AD- your final piece to the puzzle will include a full page ad. The Ad must show the intended use for the product including a picture of someone using your product. Remember the layout of a magazine FPA diagonal from Top to Bottom and Left to Right with your LOGO in the corner.
I will NOT show any examples for this project because your senses have been bombarded with them since you were old enough to point at the pretty sunsets used in the Marlboro ads. Be resourceful use previously modled packageing ideas, use each othere as sounding boards and feedback.
Step 1 must be posted on your BLOG by Thursday 11/29- you can all blog from home if needed. I am giving you that much time because your purpose statement MUST be detailed about each step. use it as a designer would use concept sketches. if there are changes from your original statement then it must be ammended on your BLOG.
Happy fun time