Thursday, December 20, 2012

FPA examples

Use these as idea for your FPA, I would like you to notive throught the variety of ads there are still consistancies.

The top to Bottom Left to Right "flow" of design
The use of the product
Product ID or LOGO
A Blurb or message about the product
Benefits of use
Brights eye ctaching colors.

Use an exsisting ad as a template for your product. You take your own photos or use photoshop to create the USE of your product and its results.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


We were asked to make snowflakes for Newtown CT. Here is what my students walked into today.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Click READ THIS to read a quick article on the spychology of packaging. I probably should have assigned this reading before the table meeting yesterday, but whatever. Anyway its still pretty interesting.

Read the article and comment about one thing you found interesting.


Monday, December 3, 2012


Thanks for sharing your purpose statements. creating the look for this project should not be taken lightly. I would like you to use tutorials if needed to atain a desired look. also dont forget that you can change atributes for the tutorials if needed such as color, size, font, shape added images. Use you imagination.

The template is in the "Mo's Graphics" folder, use it to your advantage. a word to the wise would be to print and cut and fold before you do all the work and design a great package and then realize that it doesn't work for your purposes.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Current situation

You should be posting your Purpose statement today. I asked you to be detailed toward every component of the project. I would ask that you use your statement as your own personal model.


Monday, November 26, 2012


I hope that your thanksgiving was as enjoyable as mine. We are about to step into a package design project, I am going to tie it in with the anti smoking sticker contest.

- you must develop a concept you must include a purpose, name, package development (design including target market) & brand (logo) and a FPA (full page ad)

STEP 1- on your BLOG
     PURPOSE STATEMENT- is a written statement of your intended product, who it is marketed to and how it can be used. Be descriptive the purpose statement will be worth 25% of your project.The product you are developing is "THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS WAY TO STOP SMOKING" ie- The Chuck Stop- when I open this box a Chuck Norris's fist punches me in the face. Your statement must include all of the components below. Use your time wisely

     NAME- The name should be clever and connect with your target group. The name will be stated in your purpose and may be used in your overall design and Brand. remember connectivity to the target is paramount. If you cannot connect to your target then how can you sell your product.

STEP 3- PS 8 x 8 @150 with a transparent Background
     LOGO/ BRAND- In photoshop you will develop a LOGO and GLYPH that should be included in as many places on the package that can be provided.

STEP 4- PS the template wil be in the Mo's Graphics folder but you may make it any size you need.
     DESIGN & PACKAGE DEVELOPMENT- The product will be cunningly disguised as a cigarette pack. You will be provided with a template (mo's graphics folder) and you must design for 360 degrees. You may print any size or variation of the package you need. On the package you will include a blurb (small description) about your product, logo's & glyphs and a creative Surgeon General Warning.

STEP 5- PS 8.5 x 11 @ 150 res
     FULL PAGE AD- your final piece to the puzzle will include a full page ad. The Ad must show the intended use for the product including a picture of someone using your product. Remember the layout of a magazine FPA diagonal from Top to Bottom and Left to Right with your LOGO in the corner.

I will NOT show any examples for this project because your senses have been bombarded with them since you were old enough to point at the pretty sunsets used in the Marlboro ads. Be resourceful use previously modled packageing ideas, use each othere as sounding boards and feedback.

Step 1 must be posted on your BLOG by Thursday 11/29- you can all blog from home if needed. I am giving you that much time because your purpose statement MUST be detailed about each step. use it as a designer would use concept sketches. if there are changes from your original statement then it must be ammended on your BLOG.

Happy fun time

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Is a challenge to navigate through wikipedia from one appointed search word to another, by clicking on highlighted words on any page. The search words will be given at a specific time in class and have "some" relevance to our class or to media communicatin in general.

If you wish to participate todays words will be on the BIG BOARD at 9:00am sharp. the 1st person to reach the intended goal will get EC on there face card project.

Have fun

BTW it took me 6 minutes.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Start here all of these papers can be found in the MO's Graphics folder.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

POST your CARDS as you finish them

Please post you cards so that WE as a class can comment on them appropriately. The feedback can serve you as to the improvements you can make to your project.

My intent for this PROJECT is to demonstrate skill of the people that take an advanced level photoshop class. My hope is to use this project as a show piece. printing on high quality display paper would certainly add to the credibility of this class and you as designers. The subject matter you have chosen will bring an added measure of intent as "artists" making a statement.

Keep these thoughts in mind as you finish this project.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I want you guys to print a tes sheet and start making any final revisions, your deadline has been pushed up. If you are designing just for a class grade, you can probably finish today. If you are designing to be recognized and have your poster chosen for public display you can come and work when you dont have a class or after school.

I would like these to be finished within the next day or two.

Once youhave finished you can resume work on your FACECARDS.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012


The quarter is now ending next Friday, you are responsible for All the work we have already started, I am missing a few Photobomb submissions but that would be it for keeping everyone on the same page. I NEED you to start being more elaborate with your BLOGS. Tell me about the process you are using to get to your end result, these posts should take no more than 5 to 7 minutes of your time. But they must be done.


Monday, November 5, 2012


What we will do is put the face cards on to the second quarter and use this poster project as the last grade for this quarter, you have until Friday to post a finished poster on you blog. with out that post you will rec. a 55% for this project.

Read the following to get a better idea on design

Keep it simple.
  •  Use layout to help the reader to navigate along the page.
  • Balance – so it looks OK, neat, ‘right’
          – turn it upside down, if it still looks OK it’s probably balanced OK!
  • Using a grid or guide lines can help with layout – Line up text boxes/pictures, etc along a grid pattern.
  • In most cultures, we read top Left to bottom Right – put the key info there and try to have a logic flow of the poster ‘story’ along those lines.
  •  Think about the height of poster boards place key points in the main level of eye contact.  Avoid putting too much at the bottom.
  • Use negative space to your advantage.
  • Background pictures – be careful – it can be OK if the picture has lots of ‘white space’ ie a large area of solid color; otherwise avoid them.
  • Link the picture/graph and its associated text in a column.
  • Headings can be placed in the centre of a poster BUT it really needs to stand out – elements in the corners need not to overshadow it – tends not to work on a ‘busy’ poster; along the top is usually best.
  • If you have lots of authors and affiliations/funders – think of putting much of this at the bottom of the poster – perhaps together with further contact details – rather than cluttering the title area.

  • Minimise text so the key message stands out!
  • Communicate critical points in main body of poster.
  • Draft and edit your text before you design the poster. There is spell check on PS.
  • Ensure language matches the target audience.
  • If you really need to include extra text (eg explanatory, stuff for people who want to read further) – it helps to put this in a colored text box that visually separates it a bit – generally along the bottom.
  •  Text centering – OK for titles.
 Use 1-2 fonts only
  • Use Sans serif fonts (eg Arial, Tahoma, etc)
  • Keep Serif fonts (Times, etc) only for arty stuff like poems or quotes
  • Avoid unusual fonts as the printer may not recognise them.
  • Max. 7-10 words per line
  • be aware of Space between lines

Friday, October 26, 2012

poster contest- The Lion the Witch & the Wardrobe

Create a poster for the Drama department production of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. CLICK here to do some reasearch.

Your poster MUST:

H=24" W=18" @ 175res.

.25" boarder (white)

Use guidelines to line up texts

Use all the information below.
11-15,16,17 7:00PM MHS

Make your design eyecatching, remember designer use a flow from Left to Right - Top to Bottom a diagonal pattern to help veiwers retail information better. Veiwers often remember the first and the last thing they see the most- try to put the information you want the viewer to remember the most in those spots. if there are any questions let me know.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I would like you to RE-THEME face cards from a deck of regular playing cards.

This is NOT what I want to see, I would like you to pick a topic and relate it in a Polotical and Social enveloped way. Make a statement about what you are saying.

This project is intended for you to make a political or social statement. Social, meaning rights and or social activisim in a community. Do your own research for people/characters that would fit these targets, your targets must have a common theme.

The costumes the people wear must be created in Photoshop and be "similar to the ones seen on any ordinary deck of cards, but there is NO copy cutting and pasting for costumes.

The faces for your project cannot be just CCP, use filters and all of your Photo-manipulation skills to render them. **you may use photos from the internet** but they may NOT be left as regular photos. Find tutorials if you need help to manipulate a phot and retain the likeness, Your project MUST retain likeness to be successfull. and there must be a common theme.

You have to use
    Queen- any suit (or make up a new suit)
    King- any suit (or Make up a new suit)
    Jack- any suit (or Make up a new suit)
    Joker- can allow itself to be anything

Each document must-
    200 resolution
    6" X  8"
    Rounded edges
    Etc. etc. etc.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tomorrow is the last day to work in class on Photbombs

Tomorrow is the last day to work in class on Photo bombs, Seeing as how I have give you an Exorbitant amount of time your Bombs better be worth it. I have high REALISTIC hopes for all of you, this is an advanced class and your grades will be reflected in not only the produced work but the freaquncy and quality of comments.

Your BLOG maintenance is a significant part of the grade be sure to add something everyday, and besure to let me know that you read and understand my posts. Many of you have not been commenting on mine to let me know that you have read it. This is important so that no one goes without needed assistance.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Photo Bombs due Wednesday

All 5 Photobombs should be posted by Wednesday, After that youre are on your own. Remember the keys success are to use the tools the proper way. Make sure you are using Photoshop to the full extent.

- Blur where it needs to be
- Select using the best selection tool, hint is to zoom in if you are having trouble selescting.
- Image size is important.

Becaus each of you have the availability to controll the lights and the light source of your picture then you must show forethought and planning in your projects.

Thanks MO

Monday, October 15, 2012

Photo bombing

You all wish this was a part of your PS toolbar, if for nothing else at least this project. CLICK

Remember, this is an advanced class. I have high expectations for your use of photoshop. If you use selection, transformation, ctrl. U, Filters, blur & layer mangement you will have successful Photobombed image.

The worl events that you have chosen look great so far, but I want you to really work to get your piture to look as if it belongs in the photo. Use the tools descrtibed above to help for this project.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

new proj. 10/11/12

PROJECT 10/11/12


I would like you to find 5 photographs of Major World or Cultural Events.
The Image may be in B&W or Color.

THE CHALLENGE IS TO BE UNIQUE. So as you find each picture post it on your Blog so that no one else can use it. Check to make sure that no one else is using the same image.




Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Be daring with your portrait

Now is when you get to show off your PS talents, please be daring take it in a new direction. There is nothing in these examples that you cannot do in Photoshop. I will know you are done when you have a Picture in my followers box.
