OK folks, I noticed that some of you did little to NO posting while I was out, remember I need your posts to grade you. This is how I track your progress. The more detailed your posts are the better you grade is going to be. An easy way to ensure a good grade is to post pictures or a screenshot of projects whether they are finished or in progress.
I am quickly coming up on the interim and I NEED to see some of your BLOG posts with pictures.
While I was out you should have been developing a plan for your next WEB SITE. for this assignment you most post the following.
-PURPOSE STATEMENT- this tells what your WS is about in moderate detail.
-COMPONENT CONSTRUCTION- this is a 5 part project. The components should all carry a specifically designed theme that directly corresponds with the purpose of the WS.
-LOGO- upper left corner no larger than 100px X 100px
-BANNER- immediately to the right of the logo. and fills the remainder of the width, the height should be the same as the LOGO.
-NAVIGATION BAR- either vertical or horizontal, if you choose vertical then the width should be the same as the logo, if you choose horizontal then the width should be the same as the logo and banner together. This component should contain text using Photoshop.
-FOOTER- do your research here and post your findings, footers vary but usually keep the same size at the page itself and contain many of the same links as the navigation bar with a few extras. The text in this component is NOT nearly as prominent as the text in the Navi Bar.
-CONTENT/BACKGROUND- Create a simple JPG in PS that uses the size of the page that has a textured theme or a simple gradient that completes the a color coordination, USE a color wheel if necessary.
I am looking for the level of creativity to be stepped up. Using PS or ILL. to construct the following components. each component will be placed onto a new HTML page. remember you have to create a new folder for this project so you can save IMG or .JPG's so your HTML knows where to locate it. IF you have ANY questions I will be around, I know the level of PS varies in this class however your explanation of your vision can help me to help you.