Thursday, September 6, 2012

1st Assignment BLOG DESIGN

Good Morning EVERYONE!!!!! Many of you still have to start the Blog, after you log in all you have to do is click "start blogging". I know this is a different route than the previous computer graphics class you had taken, but we all have to evolve. We will use these blogs as online journals for the purpose of public display and for you to create a new personal trail toward online citizenship. lets discover new look for the background for your BLOG I don't want anyone here to be using the template designs. You have all successfully completed the CG class so creating a new document is easy for you. Using PS, create a new background that will define your style. Remember we are trying to convey a mature look and a possibly a place for future employers to view.

To set the new background you can upload a JPG, GIF, or PNG file up to 300k in size.
For a full background, use images 1800x1600 (PIXELS) or greater. any smaller than this will create a tile effect. Once the Back ground is finished work on fonts and layouts and anything else that will give your BLOG a unique look.

Using images is fine but there will be many limitations in regards to size. If you don't finish your background today that's OK. If you do finish before the period is over (unlikely) you can make adjustment to any part of your BLOG.

Remember we are trying to convey a mature look and a create a place for future employers or colleges to view.

To start open your BLOG and click design in the upper right corner.

Good luck I will be around.