What is a URL? a URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet. When you created your BLOG your were each give an specific URL, there approximately 400,000,000 current URL's (websites) and growing by the minute. A URL is like walking into that bookstore and picking up the specific book you want. Type in the URL and you go straight to that page, using GOOGLE or any other search engine is like using a card system at the library.
So anyway lets start today by sending me your URL. you can find it in the address bar when you log into Blogger and click the "VIEW BLOG" button. Copy it and post it as a comment to this post- be sure to attach your full name, so it looks like this.
Sean Mohammed
after that start designing your BLOG, by going to the template list and editing the layout and template, I iwant you to insert an image on your own from google images or one that you have taken and e-mailed to yourself, once that is finished then take a picture of your self and send it to you rgmail account and use it as your picture. Please post to tell me that you have read the assignment and UNDERSTAND IT, then if you have questions post them to this comment as well here.
#1- Comment this post with your URL (not the advanced Computer Graphics people)
#2- Design your BLOG BACKGROUND with images from the internet or personal images. ACG students can use texured images to reflect the back ground as being Built or man made. (PS tutorial)
#3- Set your profile picture with an image taken using a phone.
#4- Comment on this post that you have read it and UNDERSTAND it if not post a question to it.
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