Welcome to WEB DESIGN
#1- read the syllabus below.
#2- Click here to take my survey.
#3- Read the article HERE and write 2.5 page paper as to the purpose of a WS (website) site specific points in the article. Points to write about
-Overall purpose
-Business purpose
If you dont understand what these terms mean "GOOGLE" them. this paper is due tomorrow thanks to the early dismissal.
Also, include a brief description of your graphics experience, include all classes, workshops and interests that may be relevent to graphic design as it pertains to photoshop, illustrator and any other platform included in the Adobe Creative suite.
THERE IS NO CCP (copy cutting & pasting) As per the Syllabus you have already read.
-Overall purpose
-Business purpose
If you dont understand what these terms mean "GOOGLE" them. this paper is due tomorrow thanks to the early dismissal.
Also, include a brief description of your graphics experience, include all classes, workshops and interests that may be relevent to graphic design as it pertains to photoshop, illustrator and any other platform included in the Adobe Creative suite.
THERE IS NO CCP (copy cutting & pasting) As per the Syllabus you have already read.
Web Design: HTML, Photoshop & Illustrator
Instructor: Sean Mohammed
E-mail: mohammeds@mahopac.k12.ny.us
All Grades and projects will be posted on Infinite Campus.
Extra help will be given on a basis of needed instruction, Any student that needs EH can come at any time the lab is open- or make arrangements for Afterschool help any day of the week.
Course Description
Designed for the experienced computer user, this course provides the opportunity to experiment with a host of graphics applications to create Web Sites from scratch using HTML code on Notebook and integrating graphics created in Photoshop and Illustrator. Students will be creating their own professional-quality web ready graphic presentations and pages. After completing this course you will have the knowledge and experience in these relevant computer applications and vocational methods. Hands-on projects maximize the learning; each student will chart their own progress using their BLOG as a student journal. Students will also use standard display techniques for professional quality presentation.
Primary Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course participants shall:
• Become familiar with the interface of sophisticated computer graphics programs.
• Become familiar with the tools used in relevant web design software
• Use basic HTML with integrated.
• Compose images to achieve effective communication.
• Become proficient at linking standards to technology based curriculum.
Standards - Based Instruction
. . .To ensure that students are prepared for their future we should: include technology and information literacy in state and local standards for what students should know and be able to do; ensure students use technology appropriately and responsibly; develop new student assessment tools; and strengthen partnerships with effective art based learning standards coupled with real life oriented creative problem solving.
1. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, using distance education methods, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
Through the use on BLOG’s and interactive digital class participation.
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of
digital environments and media. Through BLOGGER.COM
b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety
of media and formats.
2. Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. There is a consistent use of tutorials and collaborative problem solving.
3. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct market research to manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
4. Digital Citizenship
Students understand the student code of conduct as it pertains to internet use and computer use and responsibilities.
a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity.
c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
Course Materials- For display, only materials that are provided in class as per project basis.
Course Requirements
There are written assignments and multiple projects in all.
1-Create a BLOG account at BLOGGER.COM & follow mosdesignclass.blogspot.com
Course and Self evaluation
Each student will use their Blog to chart progress on a daily basis. The class will be given assignments that are posted on the teachers BLOG- all correspondence for the course will take place digitally. If a student is experiencing problems with an assignment it should be discussed on the blog where other students will be encouraged to aide in the assistance of other students. There will be a % of your grade based on your daily BLOG maintenance and your online participation.
Grading RUBRIK-
CONTENT UNDERSTANDING= 20% (Not all projects are Effort based)
Grading Scale
Letter grades, should one be requested, will be on the following scale:
100%- 95% = A
94% - 90% = A-
89%- 85%= B
84%- 80%= B-
79%- 75%= C
74%- 70%= C-
69%- 65%= D
64%- 0% = F
Topics and Assignments
Basics of HTML
Placement of WEB parts
Anatomy of a website
Mastery of graphic design
Understanding Graphic design- LOGO, HEADER, FOOTER
Adding text
Integration- of Graphics software
BLOG maintenance
Elective assignments, tutorial folder
Course Evaluation
Use of tools and techniques (T&T)
Effort and Perseverance
Evidence of Learning
Students will be evaluated on the ability to follow directions as described in posted assignments and by the oral instruction given by the instructor (All work will be posted by students on daily maintained BLOG sites in stages of completion) these assignments will demonstrate mastery of the tools and techniques. Written assignments should contain thoughtful, reflective responses applicable to their personal and/or educational experiences which indicate they have put thought and effort in to their replies. All written assignments will be in the form of daily BLOG postings.
Policy on Plagiarism
“All people participating in the educational process at Mahopac High School are expected to pursue honesty and integrity in all aspects of their academic work. Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, will be handled according to the procedures set forth in the Mahopac High School Student code of conduct.”
The following statement reflects the Desired Student Outcomes as it relates to coursework at
Mahopac High School Art Department:
“WEB DESIGN course work reflects Mahopac Desired Student Learning Outcomes as it applies to creative development to demonstrate the following:
• Oral and written communication in individual and group settings
• Content knowledge, and application of such knowledge in the students’ area of interest
to affect change
• Reflection for personal and professional growth
• Critical thinking
• Cultural and global perspectives to understand complex systems
• Collaborative and cross curricular efforts used to understand and expand disciplines, including an understanding of technological systems.”
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